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iAiB iCiD iEiF iGiH iIiJ iKiL iMiN iOiP iQiR iSiT iUiV iWiX iYiZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
ROBETECH institute 41
SAB'S institute for mobile 41
SACHIN'S institute +man 41
SAMI institute of clinical 5
SANDLER sales institute 16
SAROSH institute +fork 41
SGM institute +wreath 16
SHARP institute 16
SHEPHERD'S institute +stick 41
SKYLINE institute +circle 16
SNEH ACHARYA institute 41
SOLUTIONS institute 41
institute 41
STI SANKALP institute +oval 41
SUCCESS institute +shield 41
SUKH SAGAR institute 16
SUYASH computer institute 41
T teachwell institute 41
THE TOPRO institute 16
THE laser institute +square 42
TIA institute of accountant 16
TIIF the indian institute 41
TIME triumphant institute 38
TIPS training institute 41
institute 41
institute 41
TSI the skin institute 42
V3 computer institute 41
VEE beauty institute & salo 16
VGM computer institute 41
VIMS VIBGYOR institute 35, 38
VISHAL institute of compute 16
VLCC BHM institute of beaut 30
VYDEHI institute 42
VYDEHI institute of biotech 41
VYDEHI institute of dental 41
VYDEHI institute of health 41
VYDEHI institute of medical 41
VYDEHI institute of nursing 41
WATERFORD institute +flower 42
WEBSAVVY institute +globe 16
ZIPCOM institute of compute 16
asian HEART institute +hear 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32
asian heart institute +hear 11
atharva institute +oval 41
bhilwara institute +arcs 41
delhi institute DIMS 41
design institute of india 41
gi GLOSSY institute +faces 41
hi-tech institute 41
hi-tech institute +man oval 44
indian institute +cogwheel 41
indian institute +star oval 41
indian institute +triangles 16
indian institute IOE +flowe 41
integral yoga institute 41
jawaharlal institute JIT 41
kaxa institute KICATE 41
kerala institute +arrow arc 41
kerala institute of fashion 41
institute 42
mithra institute +elephants 41
national institute for skil 41
nehru institute NIMS +men 41
the institute +circle 41
RIMT institutes +lamp & boo 24
SHAADI BYAH.COM institution 45
NIMRA group of institutions 41
institutions 42
instone +hexagons & flowers 19
instrument 9
ALLIS +musical instrument 9
AMV MUSIC +music instrument 41
CORNETA +musical instrument 8
EXPRESS PIN pay instrument 9, 42
GAG RECORDS +instrument arc 41
JAZZ +musical instrument 30
instrument 16, 35, 38
instrument 25, 42
JDS TUNER +music instrument 15
JUKEBOX +musical instrument 16
KABIRA +musical instrument 3
LA KORA +musical instrument 3, 5, 29, 30, 32
MELODYMAX +music instrument 41
instrument 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
instrument 9
PND RECORDS +instrument 9
PRIYA +musical instrument 9
RABAAB RECORD'Z +instrument 9
SAPTAK +musical instrument 9
SARANGI +musical instrument 31
SAZ +musical instrument 9
SHARAF cleaning instrument 21
SHEHNAI +musical instrument 29
SUNRISE +music instrument 9
instrument 25
VAZZ +musical instrument 29
crescent hat & instrument 29, 30, 35, 39, 42
instrument 16
instrument 9
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